Bucks Lake Weather Camera

I see the problem. I should be able to fix it on Tuesday. Boy, when you are away for a couple of days, the Gremlins do play.
Snow, snow, part 2
This is the weekend you need to come to Bucks. We got about 30" of snow between Monday and Wednesday. It is beautiful, gorgeous, spectacular. Definitely Sugar Plum Fairyland. The…
Snow, snow
Yes, it is. About a foot already, though a little less than I expected. It is heavy, dense stuff. Really packs when you ride it, and I have been doing…
A Perfect Day
The temperature is 44. The sky is blue. There is no wind. The groomed trails are the smoothest they EVER are. And the snow that is not groomed, after a…
Just a Little Snow
We only got 2" last night, and the sky is slowly clearing as the day goes on. The forecast is just all over the place, but I am betting on…
A Little Update
How about having an update so we can say we did one? We finally got to ride this morning, and it was not bad where it had been previously packed…
L A Swimming Pools
Now we are really doing our part for southern California's swimming pools! 1.85" of rain as I write this, since about 5 am today. The good news is that our…
Roads and Snow
We went to Quincy today, and also rode. The County has done a great job on the summit parking area, and on Bucks Lake Road. They deserve our thanks. Re:…
Too Much Powder
We have had 123" of snow since Monday, the 9th!! That's just too much snow in eight days. I think we have more than done our part for L A's…
The Latest…..
Here's some good news. Big Creek is groomed all the way to the parking lot, and the county did get the big blower to the summit this afternoon, so, if…